Welcome to the official website of the Department of Internal Medicine, Visayas Community Medical Center, Cebu City, Philippines [tel # 032-253-1901, loc 291]
Visayas Community Medical Center : Department of Internal Medicine
Reminding you of our Activities/Christmas parties:
December 5 PCP CV Christmas Party Grand Convention
December 12 CARIM Christmas Party PINO Resturant
December 13 Resident's Gimmick Cart Zone... go cart c/o Cardipine
December 18 VCMC IM Dr. Chin's Residence
December 19 VCMC Hospital Party VCMC Parking Lot
December 30 VCMC Residents/PGIs VCMC Conference Rm
December 30 VCMC Resident's graduation VCMC Conference Rm
To graduate:
Nino JN Doydora
Beethoven N Bongon
Today, there have been 14 visitors (25 hits) on this page!
For your comments and suggestions, email vcmcim@yahoo.com ; thank you for your visit...
List of Resident Physicians
First Year:
Dr. Francis Christian Cortes
Dr. Shoji Mantilla
Dr. Carla Cabrera
Dr. Jude Bajarias
Dr. Carlo Gallego
Dr. Ella Reyes
Second Year:
Dr. Julie Cinchez
Dr. Charisse Camarote
Third Year:
Dr. Edward Alexis Caballero
Presentor: Dr. Edward Caballero
Date: November 30, 2009
Time: 8:30 AM
Final Diagnoses: SLE with Nephritis
Venue: VCMC Conference Rm
Moderator: TBA
GRAND ROUNDS and other conferences
Presentor: Dr. Francis Cortes
Case: Obesity and Kidney Disease
Reactor: Dr. Mayo
Date: December 7 2009
Time: 8:30am
Place: VCMC Conference Room
Speaker: Michael Tabaloc, MD, FPCP
Topic: CAD
November 27, 2009/ 8:30 am
VCMC Conference Room
Training Team
Dr. Amelita Guangko
Chairman, Department of Internal Medicine
Dr. Leilanie Salgado
Dr. Emma Shiela Jorgio
Training Officers
Dr. Maritzie Eribal
Director, Continuing Medical Education
Dr. Eli AR Belarmino
Medical Director
Visayas Community Medical Center
Research Presentation
Congratulations! to
the Research Winners:
Dr. Karina Lapinid - 1st Placer
Dr. Jennie Yu - 2nd Placer
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza - 3rd Placer